Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I.         Introduction
A.     Hook
B.     Introduce to the reader to what a slum is
C.     Thesis statement
D.    Transition to first paragraph
II.         Defendable Point #1
A.     Main idea (Topic Sentence)
B.     Supporting evidence
                                      i.     Quote
                                     ii.     Paraphrase
C.     Explanation
D.    Transition sentence to the next paragraph
III.         Defendable Point #2
A.     Main idea (Topic Sentence)
B.     Supporting evidence
                                      i.     Quote
                                     ii.     Paraphrase
C.     Explanation
D.    Transition sentence to next paragraph
IV.         Defendable Point #3
A.     Main idea (Topic Sentence)
B.     Supporting evidence
                                      i.     Quote
                                     ii.     Paraphrase
C.     Explanation
D.    Transition sentence to conclusion paragraph
V.         Conclusion
A.     Hook
B.     Restate thesis
C.     Summarize arguments
D.    Leave the reader with something to think about

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